Born in Barcelona in 1997, Jan Baeta Salvany has a degree in philosophy from the University of Barcelona (2021) and a diploma in film and audiovisual studies from the Catalyst School in Berlin (2016). He is responsible for the artistic management and programming at the Gollut Film Festival (Ribes de Freser), a social engagement festival which aims to disseminate film in rural areas, making a firm commitment to the decentralisation of culture from large cities, and rejecting the idea of the need for a central force in the cultural field that imposes its logics and defines its peripheries. Baeta is currently working on an educational project led by the audiovisual media developer Drac Màgic, where he forms part of the ‘Construir Mirades’ team, running workshops in audiovisual languages from a de-colonial and gender perspective. He collaborates with Archivo Xcèntric, the CCCB’s film archives (Barcelona), working as a curator and giving talks on experimental film. He also chairs the Xcèntric Film club, an initiative that was founded with the aim of giving life to archives through sessions that invite participants to reflect on the different works contained in the collection. He has collaborated in the updating of the online La Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones archive (Barcelona), as well as in organisational activities in different film festivals, including L’Alternativa (Barcelona) and the Glasgow Film Festival (Scotland). He is currently codirecting a documentary project under development on the residents’ community set up in Casa Orsola, a modernist building in l’Eixample (Barcelona), whose residents are being evicted. Since 2022, he has formed part of the core organisational team at Butxaca Màgica, a cultural centre located outside the institutional framework in Hospitalet de Llobregat, which was founded with the aim of supporting the artistic-cultural fabric of Barcelona. The centre organises exhibitions, screenings, poetry recitals and events linked to culture and thinking.
Last update of this profile: 2023