Director of the Basque Film Archive since December 2010 and member of the San Sebastian International Film Festival Management Committee since January 2011. He is a Lecturer, on leave of absence, at the University of Nantes, specialising in Contemporary History and Film History. He received his doctorate degree from the University of Zaragoza and the University of Nantes with a jointly-supervised doctoral thesis entitled Film and Civil War in the Basque Country (1936-2006). Since 2001, he has been a member of the Management Committee of the Festival du Cinéma Espagnol in Nantes. He co-directed, with Marta Horno, the documentary A las puertas de París (2008). He has written numerous articles on contemporary history in the Basque Country and film and has co-ordinated the following books: Federico Fellini (with Jesús Angulo), Cine y Guerra Civil en el País Vasco (with Santiago de Pablo), Conservación audiovisual en la era digital (with Alfonso del Amo), De Lumière a Kaurismäki. La clase obrera en el cine (with Carlos F. Heredero). He is also the editor of Cine vasco: tres generaciones de cineastas and wrote the book Euskal Zinema-Cine Vasco-Basque Cinema. He collaborated in setting the Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola film school in motion and is a member of its Academic Directorate.
Last update of this profile: 2021