Carolina Cappa

Carolina (Film Preservation Studies / Tutor)

Diseñadora de Imagen y Sonido por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ha trabajado en la restauración de películas.

Carolina Cappa (Buenos Aires, 1982) is an audiovisual archivist specialising in the history of technology and restoration. She studied Image and Sound Design at the University of Buenos Aires. She has participated in the restoration of silent movies such as "El bolillo fatal" (1927, Bolivia, restored in Desmetcolor), "El último malón" (1918, Argentina) and the work of Domingo Mauricio Filippini (La Pampa, 1920s), among others. She was head archivist at the Bolivian Film Archives in La Paz (Bolivia), where she also set up the non-conventional film dissemination group called Kinetoscopio Monstruo. Since 2005 she has taught audiovisual media, recently forming part of the team on the Audiovisual Techniques course and the IDIS Project, both at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Town Planning at the University of Buenos Aires. She gives seminars on audiovisual conservation and runs various cameraless film workshops, as well as the Small Audiovisual Archives workshop, which focuses on decentralised audiovisual archives. Carolina Cappa is the editor of "Nitrato argentino. Una historia del cine de los primeros tiempos".

Last update of this profile: 2021