in residence

A space for practical and theoretical exchange

From the 2021-2022 Academic Year, Elías Querejeta Zine Eskola invites prestigious filmmakers to come and stay with the EQZE community for a certain period of time, sharing their working process and engaging in a practical and experimental film project with students. The duration of the residencies varies depending on the project and the moment of the academic year in which they take place.

The category ‘Filmmaker in Residence’ forms part of EQZE's academic and research residency plan and aims to support contemporary filmmaking and foster a specific type of interpersonal or group transmission.

During their stay, residents work on their new film project with the help and support of the school’s resources. At the same time, they share their creative process with students on the Filmmaking Studies course, through a specific working plan.

The programme aims to combine support for the creative process of the selected filmmakers in residence, who are immersed in a specific project, with the creation of a space for mutual learning, intergenerational transmission and joint cinematographic research between filmmaking students and the filmmaker in residence.

Radu Jude


Radu Jude (Bucarest, 1977) provided students on the Filmmaking Studies course with insights into his work on the new film he was planning to shoot (script, images of the casting sessions, locations, camera tests, etc.). He will also gave a seminar on the dilemmas facing the film world when tackling issues linked to historical memory, offering a critical analysis of Îmi este indiferent dacă în istorie vom intra ca barbari (I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians, Radu Jude, 2018) and some of the materials (photographs, archive images and texts, etc.) on which it is based.

The filmmaker’s proposal also included the development of a film project made up of various short works based on adaptations of texts by Thomas Bernhard. The idea was that students will be actively engaged in the entire creative process. Radu Jude worked with the director of photography Marius Panduru at one stage of the stay.

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Photo: Iñigo Royo

Pedro Costa


Pedro Costa (Lisboa, 1959) shared his view of filmmaking with students on the Filmmaking Studies course, and explain his method, which is based on hard work, consistency and rigour. His interest in production media, constant exploration of the different materials that make up a film, and firm commitment to representing reality was also part of the working sessions in which his filmography was reviewed in its entirety.

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Photo: Gorka Estrada

Rita Azevedo Gomes


Rita Azevedo Gomes (Lisbon, 1952) offered students the chance to participate in the development of a film project entitled A Céu Aberto, on which she is currently working alongside the poet, playwright and scriptwriter Regina Guimarães.

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Photo: Iñigo Ibáñez

Dennis Lim


The subject Dennis Lim  (Malaysia, 1973) will be teaching to students on the Film Curating Studies course at EQZE will focus on artistic and cinematographic curatorial thinking from the 19th to the 21st century. The subject matter will explore theoretical questions about programming practices and cultural mediation, while at the same time examining the relationships and contrasts between artistic and cinematographic curating through different case studies. The subject will be complemented by a series of ten films based on the main theme of the essay on which Lim will be working during his stay at the school, which is linked to the past and present of film, reflected through its cultural and technological crises, as well as its supposed ‘deaths’. The Deaths of Cinema aims to explore this theme through the works of filmmakers such as Tsai Ming-liang, Wim Wenders, David Cronenberg, Kathryn Bigelow, Bill Morrison, Kiyoshi Kurosawa and David Lynch.

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Photo: Iñigo Ibáñez